Indian Baby Care
Crying and Comforting
Soothing and Consoling
Why Babies Cry
Crying and Comforting
Crying is the only form of communication your baby knows. There will be times when the reason for your baby's crying is obvious, such as when he needs a change of diaper, is hungry, or he is too hot or cold. Sometimes he may simply be bored and need a change of routine. Soon, you'll learn to differentiate the cries and be able to act accordingly.
Crying spells are common in most babies. This can be trying on a new mother and you may need a lot of support while going through this stage. Research has shown that babies of mothers who had general anaesthesia during labour, pethidine as a form of pain relief, or forceps deliveries tend to cry more in the first few weeks of life. Similarly, babies born after a long labour are likely to sleep for short periods and cry a lot in between. Your mood can also affect your baby. If you are tense and irritable your baby can sense it and may cry. Young babies, especially, cry a lot more when they are roughly handled or when they feel that they are going to be dropped. You should respond to your baby's cries immediately though some parents feel that by doing so will spoil the baby. But because your baby's cries are his way of telling you some-thing ignoring them will make him feel unwanted and ignored in the 'conversation'. Responding to your baby's cries will help him to feel safe and secure.
Decoding Babies Cry
As you get to know your baby you will learn to decode these cries and be able to comfort and console the baby more effectively.
  • A regular, monotonous cry may mean that the baby is hunger.
  • A sharp intake of breath followed by a shrill scream is unmistakeably caused by pain.
  • Intermittent grizzling and grumbling lets you know that he is tired and nearly ready for sleep.